Payment Accepted
Payment Accepted
1. PayPal/Credit Card (online):
Add the item(s) to the cart and check out online with your PayPal or credit card.
Notice: Please write your specific shipping address and your phone number.
2. Western Union (30 minutes):
Go to your local Western Union agency and make payment to:
Please email me the following information after payment:
Your First name in the payment sheet
Your Last name in the payment sheet
MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number) of the payment
Your Country in the payment sheet
Your Specific address with your phone number
Important: for easy and quick confirmation of your payment, please do not fix the exchange rate of money.
When you pay it, send the billing full informations to company email box maomeimei0926@gmail.com, then we can check it soon, and arrange your order as soon as possible.
3. T/T (Bank Transfer) (about 1-2 business days):
Important: for easy and quick confirmation of your payment, please write your order number to the note area of the payment sheet.
After you finish the payment, please inform us and email the specific shipping address and your phone number .
1. PayPal/Credit Card (online):
Add the item(s) to the cart and check out online with your PayPal or credit card.
Notice: Please write your specific shipping address and your phone number.
2. Western Union (30 minutes):
Go to your local Western Union agency and make payment to:
Please email me the following information after payment:
Your First name in the payment sheet
Your Last name in the payment sheet
MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number) of the payment
Your Country in the payment sheet
Your Specific address with your phone number
Important: for easy and quick confirmation of your payment, please do not fix the exchange rate of money.
When you pay it, send the billing full informations to company email box maomeimei0926@gmail.com, then we can check it soon, and arrange your order as soon as possible.
3. T/T (Bank Transfer) (about 1-2 business days):
Important: for easy and quick confirmation of your payment, please write your order number to the note area of the payment sheet.
After you finish the payment, please inform us and email the specific shipping address and your phone number .